软文-CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑实验产生移码突变后为何还有蛋白表达? 2024/08/26 CRISPR/Cas9系统是当今基因编辑和基因修饰中操作简便、效率高、成本低的热门主流基因编辑技术系统,它作为一种理想的研究基因功能的方法,可以精确地识别和定位基因组中的特定序列、或改变基因组中的目标序列以达到各种目的。 了解更多
软文-揭秘免疫印迹实验:抗体多条带现象是否预示着特异性危机? 2024/08/26 免疫印迹分析,即Western blot分析/Western blotting,是分子生物学、生物化学和免疫遗传学中常用的一种实验方法,用于检测和分析特定蛋白质在生物样本中的表达情况。 了解更多
WB单条带再论证 2024/03/14 The short answer is potentially, but not always. A single, distinct band at the right molecular weight may represent the target antigen (protein), however, it could also be nonspecific binding to an off-target protein or both, which will ultimately produce 了解更多
WB多条带新视角 2023/04/09 In my research career of 30+ years, I have encountered hundreds of antibodies that have exhibited multiple banding properties, particularly with tissue lysates. These extra bands bewildered me because it was unclear whether or not these antibodies were spe 了解更多
常用抗体验证方法 2023/05/03 In 2016, the International Working Group for Antibody Validation (IWGAV) convened to outline the best approaches to validate antibodies to ensure reproducibility in common research applications. They proposed five approaches, termed the five pillars for an 了解更多
抗体特异性验证金标准 2024/05/29 Over the past two decades, short RNA-based silencing technologies (also referred to as RNA interference or RNAi) have rapidly evolved and been widely used in basic research and therapeutic applications (Dykxhoorn et al., 2003; Fischer, 2015). In parallel, 了解更多